I woke up on Sunday with half a voice. By the evening it was clear that a sinus thing was going on. The plane ride home later made that ever so clear. Just an FYI, I got checked out to make sure there was no bacterial infection that would require antibiotics. All good. Just viral.

Here’s what I’m doing to knock it out:

1. Echinacea

Echinacea is really something best used at the first sign of a cold. It works wonders as a preventative measure.

2. Elderberry

I love elderberry. It tastes great too! I used this as a liquid with hot water and had no problem getting it down.

3. Herbal teas

I love using liquorice tea as an antiviral measure. It’s not as delicious as elderberry but I love the power it brings. Note that liquorice can raise blood pressure and is contraindicated in an individual with high blood pressure.

4. Steam inhalation

Half of the water from the kettle went into my mug and the other half went into a large bowl with a few drops of peppermint essential oil (I’m all out of eucalyptus). Talk about getting the sinus fluids flowing. Keep the Kleenex handy.

5. Laid down

Yes for rest but also to drain my sinuses. When we lay on our side (ear to the pillow) it drains our maxillary sinus on that same side. Slept on my left and woke up with a bit of an imbalance now…so tonight it’s going to be the right side!

6. Booked in with a Naturopathic Doctor

Yea. I’m finally declaring the conflict of interest I have with myself and seeing a colleague. I’m planning on getting some immune boosting acupuncture as well as sinus draining acupuncture if that’s still needed.

7. Garlic

A fantastic food source for great antimicrobial support.

8. Ginger

A warming herb to help fight those chills and give me some immune support.

9. Warming socks

Ok, to be honest, I have to buy some wool socks still but this has knocked things out for me asap so I’m upset I didn’t do this last night.

Wet normal socks with cold water. Wring them out well. Very well. Put on feet. Cover with thick wool *yes wool* socks that are completely dry. Go to bed. Don’t walk around on these. This gets the circulation flowing and in the morning you should wake with all socks dry. I usually repeat the second night if needed.

10. Honey

Need I say more?

Aanndddd….11. Tune in

I actually felt 90% better when I finally let out something I wanted to say. There’s never a coincidence between where physical symptoms come up and what’s going on for us emotionally.

I had a sore throat that was so intense. I started to tune in to my throat chakra. The sore throat was like whoa at the beginning and after releasing something I wanted to say (for a while now) I felt so much better not just emotionally but physically. We really do manifest our life so it’s important to tune in and choose our thoughts and actions carefully.

Interested in boosting your immune system? Call the clinic at 519.967.0004. I will be back in there this Thursday…fully recovered!

In Wellness,
Dr.Nadia Rizzo, ND

Disclaimer: this is for informational purposes only. If you are experiencing symptoms.of any kind seek immediate medical attention.

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