Detox vs. cleanse: what’s the difference?

by | Apr 3, 2017 | Blog

Dr. Laura Belus, ND

Don’t get confused! These terms are often used interchangeably but are two very different concepts. Let’s set the record straight.

The true definition of a detox is simply our body’s natural way of cleaning out the chemicals and pollutants that it comes into contact with daily. That means everything we eat, breath, and absorb through the skin needs to go through this ‘detox’ filter system. The main organs that are responsible for detoxification are: the skin (our largest organ), liver, kidneys, and the digestive tract. In a nutshell: a detox is a natural process already occurring in your body, it just gets slowed down with our modern, fast-paced lifestyle and can use a bit of help (i.e. a detox program) to help it reset and start fresh!

A cleanse, on the other hand, forces everything out of our system (literally) and doesn’t give the liver much of a chance to gradually reset. This is, unfortunately, what most people think of when they hear the word ‘detox’. They picture being stuck in bathroom all day, drinking only liquid (and otherwise being miserable). This is why cleanses can actually be dangerous if done for too long or too harshly; they are NOT a natural process.

So why not choose to the safer, simpler and more effective way to rid your body of unwanted toxins?

Stay tuned for the Top 5 Signs your Body Needs a Detox up next.

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