Detox like a master

Detox like a master

So honored to be bringing you the Queen of Detox, Dr. Laura Belus, ND on the blog! Learn about why fall is one of the best times to detox and how detoxing in the fall can maximize your detox results! Read on gorgeous! Why Fall is the perfect time to detox Dr. Laura...

Top 5 signs your body needs a detox

Not sure if a detox would be a good idea? Here are 5 of the top reasons you should consider doing a detox   You can’t seem to lose the weight If you’re finding stubborn weight around the midsection that just won’t budge, you may be holding onto more toxins than...

Detox vs. cleanse: what’s the difference?

Dr. Laura Belus, ND Don’t get confused! These terms are often used interchangeably but are two very different concepts. Let’s set the record straight. The true definition of a detox is simply our body’s natural way of cleaning out the chemicals and pollutants that it...

Healthy Fats – What you need to know

Why they matter Gone are the days of low-fat and fat-free everything. Mainstream research finally understands and promotes a healthy amount of fat on a regular basis. In fact, fat makes up over 60% of the brain and covers almost every nerve fiber in the body. It’s...

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