So honored to be bringing you the Queen of Detox, Dr. Laura Belus, ND on the blog! Learn about why fall is one of the best times to detox and how detoxing in the fall can maximize your detox results! Read on gorgeous!

Why Fall is the perfect time to detox

Dr. Laura Belus, ND


Why detox in the first place

In case you’ve been living under a rock for the last several years, you’ve probably heard everyone talking about “doing a detox” to help get their health back on track.

There’s definitely a lot of truth to this—here’s why: detoxing helps your liver, skin and digestive system clear out the ‘gunk’ that’s built up over the year (or years) of prescription medication, alcohol, caffeine and processed foods (yes, even those vegan donuts!). It helps to reset your hormonal system and naturally boost your energy. We’re all living in a modern society, filled with pollutants in the air, our food and our skincare products. Our body knows how to detox, but unfortunately, we have overloaded it with work and it’s in desperate need of a break!


Autumn detoxes can maximize your results

So if we know that a detox will benefit our health, why does it matter when we do one? The truth is, doing a detox anytime has benefits. However, our body can get maximum impact from a detox when two important factors are in place.

Firstly, committing to the detox 100%. The reason why fall is best is simply that most of us are back into our routine. Summer and winter can be challenging with lots of social events, outdoor patios or the holidays—so fall (and yes, spring!) makes it easier to commit fully to any detox program.Second, a warmer environment is easier on the body (dead of winter is not the ideal time to shed extra toxic weight from the body).

Second, a warmer environment is easier on the body (dead of winter is not the ideal time to shed extra toxic weight from the body).

It’s also when we naturally crave a mix of cooked and raw foods (soups, stews, but also salads and fresh fruit). This balance naturally occurs when the seasons change, so autumn truly is the perfect opportunity to detoxify with foods!

Are you ready to detox with me this fall? Join me for a free webinar all about detoxing (and what mistakes to avoid), Wednesday, October 25th at 8 pm EST. This one is not to be missed so save your seat at

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