Time and time again I’m reminded of just how powerful it is to cut out our food sensitivities. If you’ve been around my tribe for a while you’ve probably heard me talk about food sensitivities before. I’ve just been bombarded with the push to get this back out there recently, and when the universe instructs, I go with the flow!

What are food sensitivities?

Basically, something that your body doesn’t accept as friendly. There’s a reaction and typically inflammation is induced in the body.

How do I know if I have them?

Well gorgeous, unless you’ve delved into this before you likely don’t know that you have them, or WHAT THEY ARE FOR YOU! (key here—is it’s for YOU) Your food sensitivities could be totally different than mine! I’ve seen someone have a food sensitivity to kale! (Isn’t that supposed to be a totally hipster healthy veg to eat? Well, one would think so, right? lol)

Sometimes we don’t even realize that we aren’t functioning at optimal capacity. We don’t realize we have brain fog, we don’t realize we’re bloated, we don’t realize that we can dump the bloat simply by avoiding the food inducing it!

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Get the goods. Let’s kick these food sensitivities to the curb, the right way. The EASY way. Let’s change your energy, YOUR LIFE forever.

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