I literally gained 10 pounds in a week. Gained.

I was so stressed and fell off the bandwagon with my diet… I still ate my protein.. and my veg.. and took my greens powder and drank my protein shake. BUT I also started eating things that I know are my food sensitivities. Things that my body responds to by producing inflammation every time I eat them.

You know what inflammation in the gut is like?

Bloating…discomfort…and even a visible distention.Yup I looked 3 months pregnant and ladies I have a baby I know what 3 months preggers looks and feels like for me, and in a matter of DAYS I went from skinny Minnie to bloated and just even more stressed from feeling like crap due to eating things I know my body hates.

  • Every time I eat refined sugar I get a headache.
  • Dairy bloats me like crazy. (Abs really are made in the kitchen, not the gym)
  • Gluten makes me feel like shit.

I ate the donut, I had some feta (with my salad), I also had chocolate chip cookies I found hidden in the garage cupboard because I’m constantly throwing them out when I find them in the kitchen so my poor family members have had to hide their goodies unless they want them to end up in the trash on a count of my not wanting to be tempted.

Here’s the thing. It’s not like I went completely haywire and abandoned all healthy eating habits. I’m of the mindset that eating chocolate is not evil and I do eat chocolate ..dark.. regularly. You give me a cookie and you bet I will dip that in my tea and take a bite. Gluten free only please and hold the potato starch.

What did me in was eating my food sensitivities.

Those nasty little buggers that make my body produce so much inflammation that my abs go hiding under all the belly bloat and my energy sinks like the Titanic. It ain’t fun.

You might be thinking “ya I eat pretty well, maybe a treat or two..nothing crazy” and you know what? I’m all for that. I’m no extremist. But if your treat is something your body reacts to..then we have a problem.

See… YOUR Food sensitivities are unique to YOU. I’ve literally seen someone react to kale. Yup… a food sensitivity to kale…bananas, right? What does this mean for you? You could be eating something with good wholehearted intentions of pure health and actually be inducing inflammation in your body. Tough pill to swallow. I know, right.

There’s more to it than just crazy fads and meal plans. I will repeat. Your food sensitivities are unique to YOU. I’m talking your unique body… your unique diet..because honey, ain’t nobody else you but YOU.

Interested in learning more about food sensitivities and how you can tailor your diet to best suit YOU and YOUR HEALTH/abs/energy/focus etc?

Click here to join my FREE Food Sensitivities Support Group Now.

You don’t want to miss out on this, gorgeous. I’ll see you on the inside.

Dr.NadiaRizzo, ND

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