My Top 10 Tips for Healthy Bowel Habits

My Top 10 Tips for Healthy Bowel Habits

by | Oct 10, 2016 | Blog

I feel like bowel movements can be an uncomfortable topic of conversation. But really, there is no need to feel this way. Healthy bowel habits are super important for our overall well-being. It’s a waste dump system innately computerized into our bodies. It rids our bodies of the junk we do not need and helps to promote a healthy colon. Imagine, all that stuff hanging out in our bodies longer than it should be. Not only is this uncomfortable, but it is not healthy. So, if you are one of those people who finds bowel habits to be an uncomfortable topic of conversation, let’s push past those convert zones and get chatting.

Healthy bowel habits are super important for our overall well-being, not mention for our overall sense of comfort! Here are my top 10 tips for maintaining healthy and regular bowel movements.

1. Hydration!

Make sure you are drinking enough water daily. Generally speaking, 1.5-2L is the rule of thumb. Remember, for every coffee you drink as well, you should have an additional glass of water afterwards to rehydrate since caffeine is a diuretic.

2. Hot Lemon Water

Having one glass of hot lemon water first thing in the morning, helps to gently cleanse the liver and promotes healthy bowel habits. Try it out for a few weeks, and FEEL the benefits!

3. Fibre

Ok, there are different types of fibre. Bulking fibre, such as psyllium husk requires you to drink more water, to help it move along. My main go tos when it comes to fibre and bowels are simple dried fruits- 2-3 dried prunes, apricots, or dried figs daily.


4. Physical activity

Being physically active may help to keep things moving along. I don’t mean go and do a crazy workout- simply walking everyday may contribute to overall improved bowel habits.


5. Spinal alignment nerve conduction to colon

This is my absolute favourite tip. Our nerves come out around our spinal column. When our spinal column is out of alignment, it can affect our nerve conduction, which can affect the functioning of our organs. I’m speaking from experience here. So you may not have thought about this before, but spinal manipulation isn’t just for back pain!

Make sure you only get adjusted by licensed healthcare practitioners.

6. Relaxation

Don’t rush it! Make sure you relax. Enough said.


7. Go when you have to

Don’t hold it in. When you have to go, go!


8. Avoid food sensitivities

If you know which foods you are sensitive to, avoid these. Common food sensitivities include dairy and gluten, but you should be aware of your own personal food sensitivities as it varies for each individual. You can do an elimination diet or a blood test to discover some of your own food sensitivities.


9. Bodywork

In addition to spinal alignment, reflexology (acupressure to the feet) is a great therapy that I have found both as a patient and practitioner, to help promote bowel movements. Not into getting your feet touched? Acupuncture and massage therapy are great alternatives that might work for you.


10. Positioning

Ok this one might be new for many. In a nutshell, there is a muscle that when relaxed, helps to promote bowel movements. This video says it better than I can, so take a look!

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