Top 5 signs your body needs a detox

by | Apr 13, 2017 | Blog

Not sure if a detox would be a good idea? Here are 5 of the top reasons you should consider doing a detox


You can’t seem to lose the weight

If you’re finding stubborn weight around the midsection that just won’t budge, you may be holding onto more toxins than you think. Since many pollutants and heavy metals are stored in fat cells (to protect the rest of the body from their harmful effects), we won’t shed the extra weight until we know the body can safely detox them out of the body. When we improve our liver function and digestion on a detox program, we clear the toxins out of cells, then promptly get them out of the body – for good!


Skin issues

Eczema, acne, excessive oiliness or dryness can all be caused by a toxin and hormone build up. Though many of these issues can also be related to poor digestion and nutrient deficiencies (like vitamin D & omega-3s), if they are stubborn issues even after you’ve cleaned up your diet and supplemented as necessary—look into doing a detox! The skin is the body’s largest detox organ so internal issues will often show up on the skin’s surface if left untreated.


Feeling sluggish and tired all day

If you’re getting enough sleep and finding that you need 2 coffees just to get going in the morning, or needing a nap at your desk after lunch—you may need to detox. Many toxic heavy metals build up in our bodies leaving us sluggish and easily fatigued. Even if we get enough sleep we never feel really alert and awake—a sure sign that toxins need to be cleared out of the system.


PMS symptoms

Cravings, moodiness, and cramps leading up to your period is actually not a normal experience (though it is common for many women). These (often) intense symptoms are due to excess estrogen. Detoxifying the body can help to clear the extra amounts of this hormone, which quickly brings the body back into balance. Many women notice their menstrual cycle post-detox is far less painful and irritating than it once was—it’s almost too good to be true!



Did you know that how often you clear out your bowels says a lot about how healthy your digestive system is? It is normal to have about 3 bowel movements per day (usually one shortly after each meal). Many people think going once a day is enough—it’s not! The large intestine is the highway to clearing out all of the waste products from of the body (including excess hormones). If this path is running at slow speed you will definitely feel the effects.

Are you ready to reset your body with a simple 3-day detox? If so, this is it!

PS: Did you catch the last post on what makes a detox different from a cleanse? If not, catch it here.

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