I absolute love this bell pepper breakfast! It’s super simple and super quick, and will also keep you super-fueled for the day! Hello, protein! Mondays don’t stand a chance against this dish!

Egg’d Peppers

Note: you will need a baking sheet



  • 1 bell pepper (any color but I always use yellow or orange)
  • 2 asparagus stalks
  • 1 mushroom
  • 2 eggs
  • Dash of salt and cracked black pepper or Montreal Steak Spice
  • Extra virgin olive oil

Note: When cutting the green stem of bell pepper off, make sure that the edge of the pepper does not get cut too low, to prevent the ingredients on the inside from spilling out.

What to do:

  1. Wash the bell pepper, asparagus and mushrooms thoroughly
  2. Cut the bell pepper in half and cut out the white part inside. Chop the asparagus and mushrooms into tiny pieces
  3. Crack the eggs into a separate bowl and whisk with a fork to break the yolks
  4. Add salt and pepper to the eggs
  5. Drizzle olive oil onto the baking sheet, creating a thin layer that covers the surface of it
  6. Drizzle olive oil onto the bell pepper and throw in a few tbsp of the chopped vegetables
  7. Pour the whisked egg into the pepper until it is filled to the top
  8. Set the oven to 400 on bake

Bake in the oven at 400 for 35 minutes

Quick Tip: I normally wash and chop the veggies in advance so in the morning I just assemble and bake! Super simple and super fast!

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