Be Relentless in the Pursuit of Yourself

Be Relentless in the Pursuit of Yourself

The term “Relentless” actually means “incessant” or never-ending, doesn’t stop, no matter what. I first reflected deeply on this term after listening to a Hillsong United song titled “Relentless”. This song talks about how...


It’s shocking to me how many people I encounter who have never had a spinal adjustment done as part of their clinical care. There are many misconceptions out there about what spinal manipulation actually is, does, etc. My intention with this blog post is that you take...
Probiotics: Which One do I Take?

Probiotics: Which One do I Take?

A good probiotic can make a HUGE difference in how we feel – not just with gas and bloating. A probiotic can also function to help HEAL YOUR GUT and when we heal the gut we help it do what it needs to do: absorb and digest the appropriate nutrients we need for...

My Personal Elimination Diet Experience

Hey! Catch me here where I tell you all about my own experience doing the elimination diet- the struggle, the wins on the other side, the weight loss, and the HOW!     I can’t wait to see what amazing things happen for you once you expose your own food...

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