Hypoglycaemia Got You Like ROAR?! The One Thing to Eat to Help Stabilize Your Blood Sugar

I feel this is an accurate depiction of what we can turn into when we are hungry. Hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar levels) can mess with mood, energy levels, weight and hormones and so much more!


It’s really no joke. So I am here to preach to you (Yet again folks, yet again) about the ONE THING that you NEED TO BE EATING to help STABILIZE YOUR BLOOD SUGAR….

The thing I seem to not be able to stop talking about…that I’ve created multiple recipes and handouts around…the thing I seem to be spending hours in private practice educating people on (with joy!)…this thing is PROTEIN!!


Protein helps us avoid that energy crash that we can get in the afternoon.

Having enough protein with breakfast can help us stay focused and energized for our morning and is a huge missing piece of the puzzle for kids too. Is your kid having trouble focusing at school, especially in the morning, are they moody? Do they have a mood disorder? I’m going to guess not…. they might just have low blood sugar. Protein can be the answer, my friends.

When we eat carb-heavy meals (pasta/bread/grains of any sort/starchy vegetables like potato, etc) they can give our blood sugar a huge spike only to be followed by a huge CRASH in energy. Eating protein with these carb sources helps to manage that spike, that is, our blood sugar levels won’t spike so suddenly, compared to the times when we eat the heavy carbs without any protein.

This is important because we do not want our blood sugar going up and down up down or else we will be feeling like WE are going up and down, up and down!


When someone sees me in private practice for diabetes specifically, we go through ALL the details of which foods are best to include, avoid, and which foods you can still keep in but in certain portions. I even run through the labels of the products they are buying and we make sure that we have a specific plan in place that fits the life you want to live while keeping those blood sugar levels (and energy levels) in check.

To keep things straight and simple (just my style) I’ve listed out a bunch of protein sources below, and I’ve even included a few of my favourite recipes.

If you’d like to chat more about your personalized protein requirements (i.e. how much YOU specifically need based on your lifestyle and individual factors) or if you are looking for specific nutritional counselling for your individual needs, send me a message or call the clinic at 519.967.0004.

I am so excited to start working with you!

Dr.Nadia Rizzo, ND

Animal Protein Sources Vegan Protein Sources
Beef, Pork Nuts & Nut Butters (Peanut/almond/etc)
Chicken/Poultry Chickpeas, Beans
Fish Lentils
Eggs Chia & Hemp
Whey Protein Powder Quinoa

Recipe Links:

Bean Salad: nadiarizzo.com/recipes/no-cooking-skills-bean-salad/
Egg’d Peppers: nadiarizzo.com/recipes/eggd-peppers/
Quinoa Porridge: nadiarizzo.com/recipes/quinoa-porridge/
Bacon & Brussels:nadiarizzo.com/recipes/bacon-brussels-sprouts/
3 Diabetes-Friendly Breakfasts: nadiarizzo.com/recipes/diabetes-friendly-breakfasts/
Avocado Breakfast Vibes:  http://nadiarizzo.com/recipes/avocado-recipe/
Trail Mix: http://nadiarizzo.com/recipes/trail-mix/
Nut Butter Snack: http://nadiarizzo.com/recipes/quick-vegan-protein-snack/

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