Summer Salad

Summer Salad

Serves 4 Ingredients: 7 cups spinach and kale mix 3 oranges peeled and sliced 1 to 1.5 cups pomegranate seeds 3/4 cup sunflower seeds Dress with lemon olive oil and a sweet balsamic. Pairs well with grilled chicken or...

Oven Easy Chicken

I love this. I did it yesterday…and the day before. Seconds to literally throw everything into the pan set a timer and leave in the oven to bake. You seriously don’t need time or cooking skills to pull this delicious healthy dish off! Cheers to never...
My Top 10 Ways I’m Knocking Out a Cold

My Top 10 Ways I’m Knocking Out a Cold

I woke up on Sunday with half a voice. By the evening it was clear that a sinus thing was going on. The plane ride home later made that ever so clear. Just an FYI, I got checked out to make sure there was no bacterial infection that would require antibiotics. All...

I literally gained 10 pounds in a week. Gained.

I literally gained 10 pounds in a week. Gained. I was so stressed and fell off the bandwagon with my diet… I still ate my protein.. and my veg.. and took my greens powder and drank my protein shake. BUT I also started eating things that I know are my food...
Turkey Muffins

Turkey Muffins

I made this super quickly last night. I then ate it two different ways (see below) again today. It is delicious! Turkey is a leaner meat and a great alternative for those trying to reduce their red meat intake. *Makes approximately 12 muffins. Ingredients: Ground...

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